KnowAtom Press

Samantha Ozgood

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New Research Results on Elementary Science Standards in Action

Aug 28, 2022 6:48:49 AM by Samantha Ozgood

Better science performance is more attainable than previously thought

SALEM, Mass., June 23, 2021 ( - A recent study conducted by Northeastern University has revealed a transformative outcome for students and teachers who utilize curriculum based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This third-party instrumental case study was designed to investigate the experiences of fourth and fifth-grade science teachers as they implemented the KnowAtom curriculum, which is specifically designed for mastery of NGSS standards.

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Topics: standardized testing, Middle School Science Curriculum, Implementing New Science Standards, Next Generation Science Classroom Instruction

Research Shows Teachers Implemented More Hands-on Learning Activities When Using KnowAtom's NGSS-Based Curriculum

Jul 12, 2021 3:31:00 PM by Samantha Ozgood

SALEM, Mass., July 12, 2021 ( - Research from Northeastern University's Dr. Tracy L. Waters shows a shift in teaching methods and belief in what students can achieve through hands-on, collaborative learning with the implementation of KnowAtom's Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)-based K-8 curriculum. Dr. Waters evaluated implementation by teachers who had been teaching the KnowAtom curriculum for at least two years and who ranged in teaching experience from 2 to 25 years. Her study participants reported a shift in their own understanding of the different processes, practices, and results that can come from collaborative science investigation in the classroom.

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Topics: Next Generation Science Standards, Professional Development, Time on Learning, NGSS-Designed Curriculum

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)-Based Curriculum Helps Improve Math and Writing Skills Too

Jul 5, 2021 12:51:00 PM by Samantha Ozgood

SALEM, Mass., July 5, 2021 ( - Since 2015, at least forty-five states and D.C. have adopted or adapted K-12 science education standards guided by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), according to research from Northeastern University's Dr. Tracy L. Waters. This means the vast majority of U.S. students are learning under standards designed to build the skills needed to join the workforce of the future. Waters' research shows fourth and fifth-grade students using KnowAtom's hands-on NGSS-based science curriculum demonstrated measurable increases in achievement levels, engagement, and classroom behavior.

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Topics: Press Release, Professional Development, Growth Mindset, ELA and Math, NGSS-Designed Curriculum, Next Generation Science Classroom Instruction

Professional Development Essential to Achieving Highest Levels of K-8 Student Achievement, Research Shows

Jun 28, 2021 9:08:00 AM by Samantha Ozgood

Study Shows Adoption of NGSS-Based Teaching Models Shift Teacher and Student Thinking

SALEM, Mass., June 28, 2021 ( - Research from Northeastern University's Dr. Tracy L. Waters, "The Effects of the Next Generation Science Standards on Teaching Practices: An Instrumental Case Study," shows schools combining KnowAtom's research-based instructional practices with the program's new model of professional development achieved measurable increases in student learning and engagement. Looking at fourth- and fifth-grade teachers using KnowAtom's next-generation science standards (NGSS)-based curriculum for the first time, Waters identified changes in teaching methods, beliefs about teaching and learning science, and increased responsibility given to students in their own learning process.

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Topics: Professional Development, Next Generation Science, Implementing New Science Standards, NGSS-Designed Curriculum

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