Maryellen deLacy


About Maryellen deLacy

Science, like myself, is constantly evolving and in the process of becoming. It is through that discovery process that new knowledge and growth are realized.” DeLacy has worked as a licensed elementary school teacher for Massachusetts Public Schools, specializing in multi-age, multi-grade classrooms for more than 25 years. As a lead teacher, she chaired science and math curriculum review committees and was trained by WestEd to lead data-based decision-making curriculum workshops. DeLacy was responsible for introducing the new writing curriculum to Manchester Memorial School to coordinate district goals. She was a regular presenter for the Northeast Consortium for Staff Development and was president of the Manchester Memorial School Teacher’s Association for five years. DeLacy is an active member of the National Education Association and the Massachusetts Teachers Association. She holds a Master’s and Bachelor’s in Education from Salem State University.

School Administration | Dec 14, 2017

School Administration | Dec 12, 2017

School Administration | Dec 5, 2017

Curriculum | Nov 29, 2017

STEM / STEAM | Nov 17, 2017

State Standards | Jun 19, 2016

State Standards | Jun 5, 2016

ngss curriculum