In this unit, students analyze the phenomena of matter, forces, and energy. In this lesson, they compare the effects of unbalanced versus balanced forces on objects. They then evaluate how matter interacts with and is changed by energy, which transfers from one object or system to another. This page showcases key components of this lesson.
In this unit, students analyze the science phenomena of different forces that can act on all structures. They begin by exploring how forces act on different materials and shapes. They then use what they know about forces to design a skyscraper prototype in this lesson, evaluating how their design relates to the ability of the skyscraper to withstand the weight of the structure and the people on it, as well as the force of wind.
In this unit, students bring together what they have learned about the interactions of energy and matter to explore the science phenomena of relationships between energy, force, and motion. In this lesson, they investigate how windmills transfer the kinetic energy in wind so that it can be used to do work, and then use that knowledge to analyze balanced and unbalanced forces.
In this unit, students continue to explore the science phenomenon of forces, analyzing how structures have to be able to withstand all of the forces that act on them. Students begin by testing different materials and shapes to see how they respond to different types of forces.
In this unit, students use sleds and roller coasters to explore the relationship between energy, forces, and motion. In this lesson, students apply what they know about energy and forces to engineer a roller coaster. This page is a high-level extract of this lesson.
Standards citation: NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Neither WestEd nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it.