Did you know that the new science standards come with a new vision of classroom inquiry instruction?
For the first time, a change in science standards represents a change in K-8 pedagogy. To successfully make the shift, you'll need to be aware of common challenges to classroom implementation.
In this free 45-minute session, we'll discuss how to:
- Solve the problem of insufficient student supports in science.
- Move away from focusing on summative assessment and the "right answers."
- Help educators let go of unproductive student tasks & assignments.
Other key takeaways:
- What's the next generation vision for K-8 science instruction, content, and skills?
- What's the role of a next generation science teacher in the K-8 classroom?
- How do inquiry process and culture merge in everyday science instruction?
- Instruction doesn't change overnight, so what is a realistic rate of change in grades K-8?
- Why won't teachers be able to make this switch alone?
Webinar Details
Who Should Attend: K-8 teacher leaders, school and district administrators, academic support personnel, and parent and community leaders

Francis Vigeant, teacher and CEO KnowAtom, LLC